I have been working on alot of different things in the game lately. One of them is the Leveling system.You earn XP by killing Zeds or open lootboxes. When you level up you earn 2 different types of currencies in which you can use to purchase characters and class-perks from the menu. You can buy…
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I’ve been working on the Inventory system lately. I used a ringmenu for the weapon selection earlier (think GTA/Farcry), but decided to scrap that and go for a Battle royale inventory-style, I think it fits my game better and is an easy concept for the player to understand. You can swap and drop your weapon…
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I’ve been working on all the menus lately. Starting with the main menu and basic functionalities like the options menu with sliders to change graphics and resolution. The ability to change keybindings is something I think most players would want so it is on the to-do list. I wanted to have a 3D environment along…
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Hello! I have been working on this game on and off for almost 2 years now, and sadly haven’t written down my progress, until now. I was thinking about a fitting name for the game and just recently decided to call the game Zed Huntdown since it is a kind of hordemode game with waves…
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